butternut & red pepper quiche with potato base

This quiche packs a punch in the flavour and colour department!

butternut & red pepper quiche with potato base (gluten free) | www.berrysweetlife.com

Happy October everyone!  It’s officially summer…Although you wouldn’t know it in this neck of the woods.  We have had one cold rainy day after the next for the past few weeks.  Today though – the sun is out!  That’s enough to put a smile on ones face.

Last Friday this little blog of mine had its official launch day which was very exciting.  I had been working on it non stop for a solid month getting it all set up so it would be ready for all of you to see for the very fist time. 

I wanted to make sure that I had something great to share with you today.  I’m pretty sure this quiche won’t disappoint…It’s a true colour & flavour extravaganza.  The sweetness of the butternut is balanced out perfectly by the lightly pickled red pepper, and it’s all brought back to earth by the humble roast potato base.

butternut & red pepper quiche with potato base (gluten free) | www.berrysweetlife.com

Back to last Friday…I went out for lunch to have a mini celebration for my blog launch, and to just get out of the house for a bit – Cabin FEAVER!! – I was so glad that I did because I stumbled upon a great idea.  A butternut & red pepper quiche.

I actually ordered the butternut quiche while I was out at lunch, and it turned out that it was a butternut & peppadew quiche – such a great combination!  It was totally delicious and I’m so going back to have it again sometime!   

Butternut & Red Pepper Quiche with Potato Base (Gluten Free) | www.berrysweetlife.com

I took my inspiration from this quiche but I wanted to put my own twist on it and make it a TEENSY bit healthier by using all fresh ingredients.  And I cut out the pastry to see if I could create something just as yummy, yet completely healthy.

It seems fitting that it’s Friday again, because this is the perfect weekend quiche.  Whether you’re having friends or family over, or it’s just for you… It’s so full of delicious flavours and happy colour, packed with healthy goodness you needn’t go to any trouble making copious side dishes, just a simple salad will do.  (Or skip the salad – I did)

I personally love that this quiche is pastry free.  It makes it lighter, friendlier on the stomach (not to mention the hips!) and 100% great for you.  I have a few different takes on pastry free quiche recipes which I will be sharing soon. 

butternut & red pepper quiche with potato base (gluten free) | www.berrysweetlife.com

This one takes a little longer to make than some of my recipes but it’s so worth it, you won’t be sorry!  If you’re looking for something a little quicker to put together – try my chicken caramelised onion & pear sandwich, or the best super quick chicken curry with sweet potatoes.

Happy FRIDAY to you all, and let me know if you try this one out.  I’d love to know what you think! 

butternut & red pepper quiche with potato base
Prep Time
45 mins
Cook Time
35 mins
Total Time
1 hr 20 mins
Course: Main Dish
Servings: 4
Author: berry sweet life
  • 3 med potatoes
  • Olive oil
  • Salt & Pepper
  • 1 large red pepper
  • 3 tbsp apple cider vinegar
  • 1 tbsp white vinegar
  • 1 cup water
  • 1 large butternut squash
  • 1 onion
  • 3 cloves garlic
  • 1 tsp Mixed herbs
  • Salt & Pepper
  • 40 g Feta cheese chopped up small you can add more cheese if you like
  • 5 eggs lightly beaten
  2. Wash and dry potatoes, slice with skins on into 2mm thick slices.
  3. Grease a large baking dish with Olive oil then place potato slices around the sides and to cover the base of the dish, brush with a little Olive oil, sprinkle with salt and pepper and bake at 180°C for about 15 mins until soft.
  5. Chop up the pepper into 2cm squares. Place in a bowl with the vinegars and water, a little salt and pepper and set aside.
  6. Peel and cut up the butternut into square chunks and place in a saucepan with a steamer and steam, or if you don’t have a steamer boil until soft - takes about 15mins.
  7. Chop up onion and garlic and fry in a little olive oil until garlic is fragrant and onion is glassy.
  8. Drain peppers and place onions & garlic, butternut, feta, eggs, herbs and salt & pepper in the bowl with the peppers and gently mix together with a metal spoon.
  9. Pour into the baking dish on top of the baked potato slices and bake at 180°C for about 35 mins or until the quiche is cooked through. Check with a metal tester stick and when it comes out clean the quiche is done.
Recipe Notes

This quiche could be enough for 5 - 6 depending on what you serve with it. If you serve it on its own then it will serve 4.


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  1. Hi Sal, we are trying to find your pumpkin quiche recipe but it’s not coming up on the site, thanks Gill

    1. Hi Gill, thanks for letting me know. Try again now…as far as I can see it is all there. Let me know.
      Sal x

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